Guidelines for using SPHERE
SPHERE is happy to support artifact evaluation for any conference that welcomes cybersecurity and privacy papers. Artifact evaluation committees (AECs) can use SPHERE to evaluate any artifact, even if it is unrelated to cybersecurity and privacy research.
There are three ways we can support AECs on SPHERE. AEC chairs should consider these and let us know which mode works best for their needs.
1. HotCRP integration
We have integrated SPHERE support into the HotCRP. You can install the code from and follow the instructions from README. At most, one allocation per paper is allowed - the allocation may contain one or more resources (e.g., VMs), and they may be connected or not. All interaction with SPHERE is via the HotCRP interface. AE accounts are anonymous on SPHERE, even though they can be fully set up in the HotCRP.
2. SPHERE creates accounts for AEC chair
The AEC chair can ask artifact evaluators for their resource needs, collect them in a Google doc, and then share them with the SPHERE team. We will create the accounts, allocate the needed resources, and put the information into the document. The AE accounts are anonymous.
3. Artifact evaluators creates their own accounts
Artifact evaluators can create their own accounts on SPHERE. If they want to remain anonymous to the SPHERE team they can use the following fake information during account creation:
First name: <CONF NAME>
Last name: Evaluator
Username: <CONFNAME>XYZ (XYZ can be chosen by the evaluator so accounts are unique)
E-mail: <CONFNAME>[email protected]
For example an evaluator for NDSS 2025 could use the following information:
First name: NDSS2025
Last name: Evaluator
Username: ndss2025icecream
E-mail: [email protected]
Archiving evaluated artifacts
SPHERE aims to increase reproducibility of cybersecurity and privacy research. We would like to archive the artifacts that were successfully evaluated, so that they can be reused by other researchers on SPHERE. Please email [email protected] when an artifact is ready to be archived.