Security and Privacy Heterogeneous Environment for Reproducible Experimentation



Leadership Team

David Choffnes

Jelena Mirkovic (USC-ISI) - Lead PI
Brian Kocoloski (USC-ISI) - Co-PI
David Choffnes (Northeastern University) - Co-PI
David Balenson (USC-ISI) - Community Outreach Director
Alba Regalado (USC-ISI) - Project Manager

Project Team

Terry Benzel (USC-ISI) - Liaison to ISI and USC
Geoff Lawler (USC-ISI) - Research Engineer
Joseph Barnes (USC-ISI) - Senior Research Engineer
Christopher Tran (USC-ISI) - Research Engineer
Yuri Pradkin (USC-ISI) - Operations Engineer

Srivatsan Ravi (USC-ISI) - SME, Distributed Systems
Ganesh Sankaran (USC-ISI) - SME, Software-Defined Networking
Erika Bobbitt (USC) - Consultant, Project Management
Luis Garcia (University of Utah) - SME, Cyber-Physical Systems
Daniel Dubois (Northeastern University) - Tech Lead, IoT